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Science doesn’t need Religion, religion doesn’t need science (5)

03 Ağustos 2024 Cumartesi

No rational person debates religious beliefs. No one with faith will abandon their beliefs after reading my writing. Fish were created after mountains, but their bones are found in mountains; this is not a concern. Monotheistic religion is a need for some people, but not for everyone. The Japanese, Chinese, and Indians neither have a monotheistic god nor prophets. What makes them different from others? Don’t they have their own ethical systems and morals?

However, many bad clergymen are often discussed. Throughout history, "interpretative clergymen" have been the source of all kinds of evil. Explaining religious dogmas using scientific methods and transforming dogmas into science is not feasible. According to religion, true knowledge belongs to God, and His knowledge does not change, making it dogmatic. Conversely, the most significant feature of scientific knowledge is its changeability. According to religious belief, knowledge is a gift from God to chosen individuals, negating the need for study, reading, or experimentation.

Geocentric Universe Verses

[Before discussing the statement of the Directorate of Religious Affairs on reviewing phrases related to the "geocentric universe" (considered a theocentric universe by some scholars) due to "not aligning with contemporary knowledge and science" and the evaluation from the 2nd meeting of muftis that stated, "In my opinion, one of the reasons for the negativities we see in our society is the weakness of our imams. I am not talking about the absence of imams but emphasizing their weakness," let's look at the verses about the geocentric universe:

“Have We not made the earth a resting place and the mountains as stakes?” (An-Naba 6-7)

“It is He who made the earth a cradle for you.” (Az-Zukhruf 10)

“Allah created the heavens without pillars that you can see, and He placed on the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should shift with you.” (Luqman 10)

“He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running its course for a specified term.” (Ar-Ra’d 2)

“Neither the sun can overtake the moon nor can the night outstrip the day. Each in an orbit is swimming.” (Ya-Sin 40)

The above verses are taken from Ayıntabi Mehmet Efendi's Arabic translation of the Quran and Süleyman Fahir’s Tibyan Tafsir, a work over a hundred years old.

The six verses we cited from the Quran about the "Theocentric Universe" reflect the knowledge and science of the 7th century when Prophet Muhammad lived. What is the truth in science? Does truth exist in science? One of the most respected scientists in the world, Einstein, said, "In science, there is not the truth but the appearance of truth." What is seen in the verses is the science of that era, which appeared true. And this seemingly true science could stand as real in life and holy books until the 16th century, until the Italian astronomer Galileo’s theory of the "Anthropocentric Universe."]

If left to religious scholars like Emre Dorman and Bülent Pakman, they would prove all the geocentric universe verses mentioned earlier with contemporary scientific knowledge.

Why don’t religious scholars like Emre Dorman and Bülent Pakman interpret verses like “Allah has given some of you more provision than others. Those who have been given more would not share it with those under their authority to make them equal in provision. Will they then deny the favor of Allah?” (An-Nahl 71)? Question: According to this verse, is Allah just or not?

Furthermore, I do not think the Quran needs new (modern) readings and interpretations to solve world problems. The place of the Quran is in the realm of faith and believers. The Quran cannot be a reference for sciences, politics, world, or state affairs. Let’s see: Quran commentators should stop trying to prove others' discoveries with the Quran and start discovering the unexplored in the Quran. Perhaps one day, they might realize (though I doubt it) that turning the Quran into science is a reactionary act. Science does not need religion, and religion does not need science!

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