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Entering an era of potential digital warfare
The undeniable truth that has emerged is that a malware or cyberattack on significant systems can digitally cripple the business world for an extended period.
The global and digital worlds are increasingly becoming synonymous.
Consequently, everyone—friend and foe alike—has witnessed the catastrophic potential of the enormous power wielded by global tech monopolies, which significantly bind the Western world.
I deliberately used the terms "friend" and "foe."
The intense rivalry among the world's major powers is not progressing well. Some even suggest that a third world war has already begun. While Biden's foreign policy is entirely confrontational, the staunch American nationalist (and prolific liar) Trump claims he will prevent war.
Each of these countries has thousands of digital warriors stationed behind computers. Attacks on each other's systems have been ongoing for quite some time.
As conflicts intensify, digital disruption attacks will become increasingly serious.
Recall Israel's (partially successful) disruption attacks on Iran's nuclear systems.
From this perspective, the systems connecting everything in the world are becoming increasingly dangerous.
We are talking about digital warfare.
Ali Akurgal, a writer for Bilim Teknoloji, sent a note about digital collapse, reminding us of Turkey's 2002 operating system initiative, PARDUS. At the time, many scoffed, asking if Turkey could create something better than Microsoft.
I recall writing many articles about Pardus. Upon checking, I found that Pardus still exists (named after the Anatolian leopard). Its history extends to 2024. (
But is it being used? It was developed with national resources, costing millions of liras.
The issue isn't limited to digital collapse on Earth. The threat of space-based attacks on Earth's communication systems is also on the agenda. Read the article "If there is a cyber attack in space, we would revert to 1950s communication" ( The world is so dependent on GPS navigation systems that an attack on them could paralyze the globe.
From the article: "Given critical space infrastructure and services like GPS, conflicts in space, even in cyberspace, could trigger or escalate conflicts on Earth. For instance, in 2022, Russia warned that hacking one of its satellites would be considered an act of war, a dramatic escalation from previous norms related to warfare."
Numerous scenarios have been produced on this topic, and you can read about three of them in the article.