Can you be released after being caught smuggling drugs?

09 Ocak 2024 Salı

The aftershocks of the joint operation by the National Intelligence Organization and the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office of Terrorism and Organized Crime, targeting Mossad agents, continue.

As you might recall, 35 individuals were detained, and it was notable that their attire resembled that of members of a religious sect.

Subsequent investigations revealed their aim to pose as devout citizens and engage in activities like reconnaissance, stalking, assault, and kidnapping. The suspects were identified as Palestinians, Syrians, and Iraqis.

Regrettably, they have used the infiltration method I have been writing about for months. The detained individuals entered our country as tourists, bought properties, and acquired citizenship.

For instance, Yeni Şafak newspaper exposed that a foreign employee at the Fatih Health Directorate was a Mossad agent, and another Syrian individual was giving sermons in a mosque in Hatay Kırıkhan after prayers.

I want to disclose a bigger scandal than the Mossad operation. I'll focus on two individuals in particular, one Lebanese and the other Syrian.

One is named Said Kasem, and the other is Osama Elşehade. The issue involves importing drugs or drug substances.

The story begins when the Istanbul Customs Enforcement Smuggling and Intelligence Directorate becomes suspicious of a container shipped by ABC Shipping from the port of Lebanon to Kumport Port in Ambarlı Customs Directorate.

A reaction from the narcotics detector dog "Breki" led to the container being taken to a special area.

The recipient of the container from Lebanon was identified as "Tekno Steel," owned by Said Kasem, with Osama Elşehade being an employee.

When officials of the company were summoned to the container, ovens inside were dismantled to access hidden compartments. Pills marked with "L" (resembling the LEXUS logo) were found in small transparent bags. The pills were identified as amphetamines in analyses.

A total of 2,091 kilograms of pills, amounting to approximately 12 million 336 thousand 900, with an estimated value of around 700 million TL, were discovered concealed in three industrial ovens.

When the drug pills were seized, company employee Osama Elşehade was detained. Company owner Said Kasem was apprehended at the airport while about to depart for Düsseldorf, Germany.

They began to explain...

The person who sent the drug-laden container from Lebanon was Zakarya Kasem, a relative of the Turkish company owner Said Kasem. Previously, a similar container had arrived and been transited to Dubai. Before the container arrived in Turkey, Osama Elşehade had visited Lebanon and inspected the goods. He was also involved in all the customs procedures.

During interrogation, Said Kasem and Osama Elşehade blamed each other. Both denied the accusations and claimed no involvement with the drugs. However, they had also been working on opening a space in Dubai.

Said Kasem described his trip abroad as a "coincidence" and a business visit. His flight ticket was purchased by Zakarya, who sent the drugs from Lebanon, as there was no credit limit on Kasem's card. Interestingly, Zakarya Kasem is also a resident of Turkey, seeking citizenship and looking for a house.

Both Said Kasem and Osama Elşehade are Turkish citizens. Said Kasem owns his businesses, while Osama Elşehade came as a student and stayed.

The prosecutor meticulously processed the indictment with all the details and evidence. The court was held, and an arrest warrant was issued for Zakarya Kasem. Said Kasem and Osama Elşehade were sentenced to 15 years and 10 months in prison. But the story doesn't end there.

The defendants appealed the verdict. As a result, the file was sent to the Regional Court of Appeals (BAM). Legal experts and those on trial know how long it takes for files sent to BAM to reach the panel and be reviewed. It usually takes months. But, coincidentally, within a week, BAM's criminal chamber released the detained Osama Elşehade! The file was overturned and returned to the court.

The trial was held again. The court had no choice but to comply with BAM's decision, resulting in the acquittal of Osama Elşehade. However, Said Kasem's sentence was upheld.

One must ask: Despite rulings of human rights violations, why is Can Atalay still in prison, why is Tayfun Kahraman still incarcerated, and why are Çiğdem Mater and others still behind bars?

I'll tell you why: They didn't engage in drug trafficking, nor did they partake in sycophancy.

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