Side Funders

22 Haziran 2024 Cumartesi

According to Yusuf Tekin, one in every 80 people we see on the street is a teacher paid by the Ministry of National Education. He claims that nowhere in the world does such a large group of teachers receive public funding!

Speaking of funding, let's look at some examples of public sponsors (partners) of TÜGVA (Turkey Youth Foundation), where Bilal Erdoğan, son of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is a high advisory board member:

Turkish Airlines, Ziraat Katılım, Türk Telekom, Halkbank, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Health, TİKA, the Turkish National Agency, and the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities.

Unsurprisingly, the Ministry of National Education is also among these organizations.

The Ministry supports TÜGVA’s significant projects such as the “Bookworms of Turkey Project,” “Being a Child in Palestine Drawing Contest,” and “40 Hadiths with Drawings.”

Furthermore, it signs protocols with the İlim Dissemination Foundation, chaired by Bilal Erdoğan, and makes agreements with the İlim Dissemination Society. For example, it supports "schools of virtue" established to provide young people with manners, catechism, and religiousity.

Additionally, public education centers affiliated with the ministry assist with various activities and pay the trainers, who are personnel of the İlim Dissemination Society.

Moreover, it signs protocols with the Cihannüma Association, of which Yusuf Tekin is the founding president. This association aims to "correct mental codes, contribute to building the Muslim mind, and work, think, and produce with an Ummah perspective.” Projects include "Youth Building the Future from Their History" and similar initiatives.

All these groups are what Yusuf Tekin considers “non-governmental organizations.” There is no equivalent to them in the world!

They are unique to our palace regime.


The exploitative side of the West has once again triumphed over its civilized and humanistic side.

Migrations and impoverishment caused by the crises and wars created by capitalism's insatiability have turned into severe problems.

The West, which sustains its prosperous society by seizing the surplus value created by oppressed peoples, is now cornered. The bloody games it has played in the Middle East and Ukraine have backfired, showing its exploitative face through racism, conservatism, expansionism, arrogance, and selfishness.

The right-wing surge leading to racism rising throughout the Western world, starting from Europe, is a result of globalization, a new tale of imperialism, which has been portrayed as a savior for years. It is a regression of humanity and human values.

As stated in the manifesto of the people’s leader Atatürk, "until the world is freed from the oppression and slaughter of capitalism and imperialism," all the world's peoples will not achieve prosperity, equality, freedom, and brotherhood.

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Defender of the demonizers 29 Haziran 2024
Side Funders 22 Haziran 2024

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