A glimpse into Ankara’s political maneuvering

27 Aralık 2023 Çarşamba

On one hand, there are the 'opposition' leaders who say they can support 'qualified candidates'... On the other hand, rumors of resignations, transfers, and new alliances are rampant in Ankara. I'll address this in another article.

However, I have a note to remind those looking for merit in mayoral candidates.

Those who follow Arka Bahçe know, I've often talked about the staffing issues at RTÜK.

I wrote about how there were 46 deputy directors for a total of eight department heads at the institution. I've heard that the number at RTÜK has now reached 50. This reflects the scramble to find positions for relatives and acquaintances for salaries of about 50,000 lira.

Among those staffed at RTÜK, relatives of two critical figures are noteworthy.

One is the wife of Murat Kurum, who is among those mentioned for the Istanbul Metropolitan Mayoral candidacy from the AKP... Because Şengül Kurum, a math teacher and Kurum's wife, was appointed as a director at RTÜK. As far as I've heard, teacher Kurum is receiving 38,000 lira from RTÜK, excluding her institutional rights.

The other is Turgut Altınok's two daughters, also mentioned for the Ankara Metropolitan Mayoral candidacy from the AKP... I'm talking about Aybüke and Ayça Altınok. While one recently moved to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the other is still listed at RTÜK but is nowhere to be seen at the institution.

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture Ebubekir Gizligider, whose ties with FETÖ were brought up, has his wife Feyza Gizligider serving as a deputy department head...

The wife of Mustafa Savaş, the AKP's Chairman of the TBMM KIT Commission, Nilay Savaş, was also made a deputy department head...

About 40 personnel positioned in RTÜK never show up at the institution, yet they continue to receive their salaries as ATM officers...

In addition, the institution's trained personnel are sidelined for various reasons, assigned to the RTÜK Strategy Development Department in the rented floors of the TOBB towers...

About 60 personnel are kept idle at this place, also referred to as a place of exile within the institution...

I'm not even writing about it!

But let me also write this: RTÜK is said to be interested in renting the 19th floor of the TOBB building, where it already leases the 17th and 18th floors. The floor's common expense fees are to be paid separately, with a monthly rent of 190,000 lira excluding VAT decided for RTÜK. However, the final decision rests with President Erdoğan...

It seems new relatives are on their way to RTÜK!


As you know, the Constitutional Court (AYM) made a second 'violation of rights' decision for Can Atalay, the Hatay MP from the Workers' Party of Turkey (TİP). At the time these lines were written, the local court had still not issued a release order for Atalay.

There are two rumors spoken of in the high judiciary circles regarding the crisis between the AYM and the Supreme Court:

- The 3rd Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court had filed a complaint against the 9 AYM members who signed the first 'violation of rights' decision concerning Atalay. Around that time, İrfan Fidan, who opposed the high court's decision, made a 'joke' to the other AYM members. It's claimed that Fidan, the former Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor, referring to Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor Ahmet Akça, said, 'The chief prosecutor will detain you.'

- A regulation equalized the salaries of the members of the Supreme Court and the Council of State with those of the Constitutional Court members. In October, the AYM then annulled the legal provision foreseeing this additional raise. In a way, the AYM sent a message to the Supreme Court saying 'we are not equal.' It is said that this incident in the high judiciary also had an impact on the Can Atalay crisis.

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