Turkiye seeks it's geopolitical identity - NEJAT ESLEN

10 Haziran 2024 Pazartesi

Naval powers, during the same period, tried to prevent continental powers from accessing the seas, engaging in maritime trade, and becoming wealthy and powerful.

This reality remains true today. The U.S. tries to prevent Russia's access to the seas in the Baltic and Black Seas and China's expansion in the Asia-Pacific.

As the Belt and Road Initiative develops alternative trade routes, the Middle Corridor, which connects China to Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Black Sea through East Turkestan, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Turkey, is becoming increasingly important. The significance of the Anatolian geography is rising.


The global dominance of naval powers is not eternal. After World War II, the United Kingdom smoothly transferred its global supremacy to the United States. The U.S.'s global dominance and the so-called rules-based liberal world order it tries to maintain are under threat for various reasons. The bloc led by China and Russia, opposed to the Atlantic structure, is growing stronger, demanding a multipolar, more just world order.

In this context, National Defense Minister Yaşar Güler stated on June 1, 2024, "It has become evident, especially after the Ukraine war, that Europe needs a security structure to protect itself. Europe can strengthen its security architecture with Turkey included in the formation. We would also want to be part of such an army if it were established."

Minister Güler's statement could be interpreted as a message to the Atlantic's European structure, which perceives Russia as a threat, suggesting, "You establish the European army, and if you wish, the Turkish army will join it to fight Russia for Europe's interests if necessary."

Two days after this statement, on June 3, 2024, Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, during his visit to China, declared, "Turkey wants to join BRICS, and this organization could be a good alternative to the EU."


As seen, while the national defense minister is proposing that the Turkish army be used within the European army for Europe's security interests, the foreign minister is stating that we want to join BRICS, the rival of the Atlantic bloc, to form an alternative to European unity. This contradictory situation cannot be defined as a sustainable "balance policy."

Turkey, with its valuable geographical position at the center of the Afro-Eurasian geography, is a crucial country for both the Atlantic and the Eurasian and Asia-Pacific power centers.

Today, Turkey is neither entirely inside nor completely outside the Atlantic structure. This means that Turkey's geopolitical identity is ambiguous.

Whether it wants to or not, Turkey will have to redefine its geopolitical identity due to its valuable geographical position, changing global and regional conditions, and the impact of the global power struggle.

Turkey is unprepared for this challenging process.

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