Editorial: Forever Grateful, In Honor of Atatürk
Today's headline reads, "We are grateful," a sentiment echoing our deep appreciation for the great leader Atatürk. Gratitude, defined as an internal obligation toward a favour, finds profound meaning in today's Turkish, where our connection to Atatürk is described as a sincere bond of the heart and a debt.

Enumerating the reasons for this heartfelt debt would require pages, but a brief reflection is in order. When imperialist forces sought to invade Istanbul and breach the Çanakkale (Dardanelles) to bring an end to the Ottoman Empire, his strategic genius rendered Çanakkale impassable—a feat for which we owe him a debt of the heart.
Gratitude extends to his resilience against imperialist forces attempting to occupy every corner of the country. His unwavering efforts in organizing the challenging War of Independence and securing its triumphant conclusion deserve our sincere gratitude. Without its success, the flags of occupying states might have fluttered across the country, especially in Istanbul. We express our gratitude for preventing such oppression.
On October 29, 1923, we are thankful for his declaration of the Republic and the establishment of a state founded on secular principles, dismantling the religious state.
Gratitude is owed for embracing reason and science as the sole guides and wholeheartedly working toward forging a modern and civilized society.
Following the abolition of the sultanate and caliphate, he declined offers to become a sultan or caliph. For this principled stance, we express our gratitude.
Reflecting on the inherited legacy—a debt-ridden and ailing homeland, a society of impoverished peasants, literacy rates below 10%, and national income dedicated to Ottoman debts—he transformed this dire situation into a robust state.
Through the establishment of a secular legal and educational system, the closure of dervish lodges, and the elevation of literacy rates to 80%, he fostered a forward-thinking social will in a peasant agrarian society eager to advance in commerce, industry, science, and technology.
His efforts culminated in the creation of a civilized, original state and society based on national sovereignty, earning Turkey a respected place among nations.
For these countless achievements, we express our heartfelt gratitude to Atatürk. From the depths of our hearts, we thank him.
In promising to forever tread the path he has illuminated, we honour his enduring legacy.