SDF claims US assured F-16s won't be used against them

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Commander Mazlum Abdi claims the US has assured that F-16s sold to Turkey will not be used against them. Abdi, who is on Turkey's "wanted terrorists" list and subject to an Interpol red notice, alleges the US provided guarantees regarding the use of F-16 fighter jets sold to Turkey.

According to Arab media outlet Asharq Al-Awsat, during a Zoom session with journalists, Abdi stated that the US assured them of not planning any withdrawal from Syria shortly.

This comes amidst US media reports suggesting the Biden administration is considering a pullout from Syria, which Abdi contradicts by claiming the US has given assurances to the contrary.

Abdi also mentioned recent targeting by Turkey, Iran-backed militias, and the Syrian army. The partnership between the US and the SDF, primarily composed of the YPG, which Turkey classifies as a terrorist organization, remains a contentious issue between Ankara and Washington. Turkey demands an end to this relationship, a request that has yet to be fulfilled.