Press freedom alert from Europe: Critical report published

The Council of Europe's Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists shared its striking annual report titled "Press Freedom in Europe: Time to Turn the Tide" with the public.

The report, shedding light on the deepening press freedom crisis across Europe, was introduced at a press conference held in Thessaloniki, Greece.

This significant 100-page document scrutinizes the obstacles to press freedom and the fundamental threats experienced, particularly in Council of Europe member states, Russia, and Belarus.

The increasing pressure and surveillance on journalists in Azerbaijan are among the issues specifically highlighted in the report.

The use of spy software (like Pegasus) for monitoring journalists and the attacks experienced during the coverage of protests, including police violence, are among the report's notable findings.


Azerbaijani journalist Avaz Zeynalli, the founder and chief editor of Xural TV, is recognized in the report as a strong voice of free press, known for his stance against press freedom restrictions in his country.

Continuing his struggle against arrests and baseless accusations, Zeynalli is mentioned among the detained journalists in the report. In this context, his legal battle and the pressure he faces are critically addressed in the Council of Europe's document.


The report also calls on Azerbaijan and Turkey to restart dialogue with the Platform for the Safety of Journalists and suggests the Council of Europe to develop mechanisms for protecting journalists and strengthening press freedom.

It underlines the necessity for member states to comply with the European Court of Human Rights' decisions and to take concrete steps for the immediate release of unjustly detained journalists.

This report draws attention to the plight of detained journalists, urging the international community and member states to act against threats to press freedom.