Black Friday 2023 sets new online spending record

Black Friday in 2023 marked a historic moment in online shopping, with US consumers spending nearly $10 billion, a 7.5% increase from the previous year.

This surge in online purchases was largely driven by a desire to avoid crowded stores and long queues. Electronics, especially smartwatches, televisions, and audio equipment, dominated sales, according to Adobe Analytics.

This year's Black Friday also indicated a sustained trend towards high online spending. Predictions for the weekend following Black Friday included $4.8 billion in online sales on Saturday, $5.2 billion on Sunday, and an anticipated $12 billion on Cyber Monday, potentially marking a 5.4% increase from 2022. Shopify reported a record $4.1 billion in global sales, showing a 22% year-over-year increase. Despite inflation concerns, Adobe Analytics noted a 14-month consecutive decline in e-commerce prices, suggesting that the spike in consumer spending was more demand-driven than price-driven.

The National Retail Federation (NRF) expected a record 130.7 million people to shop both in stores and online, averaging $875 per person on holiday purchases. Despite a forecasted rise in holiday sales, the NRF also anticipated a slower pace due to economic uncertainties. Retailers offered various incentives, such as champagne, virtual reality experiences, and doorbusters, to draw customers. The enthusiasm for Black Friday deals resulted in long lines at malls in states like New York, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Washington D.C. As consumer reliance on online shopping continues to grow, the retail landscape is shifting increasingly towards the digital, presenting both opportunities and challenges for businesses.