Who is TIP MP Can Atalay?

The current imprisoned Member of Parliament, Can Atalay, is known for his past legal struggles. Despite his acquittal in the Gezi Trial, Atalay, who is currently serving time, has been sentenced to 18 years in prison on charges of 'attempting to overthrow the government of the Republic of Turkey.' His legal battles and life story continue to be a subject of interest. Who is Can Atalay?


Can Atalay was born on March 24, 1976, in Istanbul. He graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Law. Following his studies, he joined NTV's legal department and later served as the lawyer for journalist Ahmet Şık during the trial related to his investigations into the secret organization of the Gülen sect in public institutions. Can Atalay actively participated in protests advocating for the release and public reading of Şık's book, "Imam's Army," renamed as "Dokunan Yanar."

He also played a significant role in the Social Rights Association's board of directors in Istanbul. Notably, Atalay acted as the lawyer for the Soma case in 2014, representing the families of the 301 miners who lost their lives. Additionally, he served as legal counsel for the victims' families in the Ermek mine accident, the Adana student dormitory fire, the Çorlu train accident, and the Hendek fireworks factory explosion.

As the lawyer for the Chamber of Architects, Can Atalay defended Validebağ volunteers against construction in Validebağ Grove. He was among the organizers of the campaign against the demolition of Emek Cinema and successfully had the development plans for Gezi Park canceled by the Council of State.

Atalay served as the lawyer for Taksim Solidarity, opposing the construction of a shopping mall in Gezi Park, leading to his detention and involvement in the Gezi Trial. Although acquitted in two trials, he received an 18-year prison sentence on April 25, 2022, for allegedly attempting to overthrow the government. Despite being elected as a Hatay deputy from TİP (the Workers' Party of Turkey) in the 2023 elections, Atalay remained imprisoned.

On October 25, 2023, the Constitutional Court determined violations of Can Atalay's rights related to political activity, personal liberty, and security. The 3rd Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation upheld Atalay's prison sentence on November 8, 2023, filing a criminal complaint against Constitutional Court members who issued the violation decision. The complaint alleges that the Constitutional Court exceeded its authority by reviewing a final judgment and prematurely revoked Atalay's parliamentary seat without a General Assembly decision.