Minister Ali Yerlikaya reports minimal damage

A 5.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Marmara Sea. Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya made an announcement regarding the current situation.

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya stated, "One building in Esenler and another in Küçükçekmece reported cracks. Teams from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization have been dispatched to these locations."

The Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) confirmed the earthquake, felt in Istanbul, Balıkesir, Eskişehir, Bilecik, Bursa, İzmir, Tekirdağ, Kocaeli, Kütahya, and several other provinces.

Yerlikaya, in a social media statement, said, "The main quake at 10:42 this morning in the Marmara Sea near Gemlik Bay, Bursa Mudanya, was followed by 13 aftershocks, the largest being 4.5 in magnitude. Field surveys by AFAD, police, and other teams in Istanbul, Bursa, and surrounding cities report no significant damage."

In Bursa's Mudanya, one house reported cracks, and two individuals fell down stairs without serious injury.

"We continue to closely monitor the situation," Yerlikaya added, extending well-wishes to those affected and praying for the nation's safety.