Apple opens app distribution to developers in EU following new rules

Apple has announced that starting this spring, software developers can distribute their apps directly to European Union users from their own websites.

This move comes as a response to the EU's new Digital Markets Act (DMA), which mandates tech giants like Apple to diversify their app distribution channels and offer alternatives to their in-app payment systems, which can include fees up to 30%.

The DMA, effective last week, aims to break open Apple's tightly controlled ecosystem by introducing alternative app stores on iPhones and allowing developers to bypass Apple's payment system. "We're offering greater flexibility for developers in the European Union by enabling a new method for app distribution directly from a developer's website," Apple stated in a blog post.

To support this, Apple will grant authorized developers access to necessary application programming interfaces (APIs) that allow for web-based app distribution, system functionality integration, app backup and restoration, among other features.

Additionally, developers establishing alternative app marketplaces now have the immediate option to create a catalog consisting solely of their own apps. They also gain more control over designing in-app promotions, discounts, and deals, directing transactions to their websites rather than adhering to Apple's predefined templates.

This strategic change addresses ongoing criticisms from competitors about Apple's compliance efforts with the DMA. Non-compliance could result in fines of up to 10% of a company's global turnover, emphasizing the importance of adhering to these new regulations.