The dark side of Google: Words you should never search

In a world where Google answers most questions, there are certain search terms that are better left unexplored, as revealed in a lively Reddit discussion. From misleading terms like 'degloving' to unsettling medical conditions, this guide highlights searches to avoid for the sake of your digital well-being.

In the vast expanse of the internet, Google stands as the gateway to endless information. You're likely familiar with amusing Google tricks like 'zerg rush' or 'do a barrel roll,' but there exists a darker side of searches that are best left unexplored. While it's tempting to turn to 'Doctor Google' for health concerns, this digital inquiry might lead you down a path of unsettling discoveries.

Reddit Users Share Search Words to Avoid

In a lively Reddit discussion, users compiled a list of search terms that are better left untyped. One user's innocent attempt to search for 'moth larva' led to a startling encounter with 'mouth larva,' a term linked to a parasitic infection known as 'oral myiasis.' It’s a stark reminder that a simple typo can transform a harmless query into a disturbing revelation.

The word 'degloving' might conjure images of removing gloves, but in reality, it refers to a gruesome medical condition where skin and tissue are torn from the body. Similarly deceptive is 'Krokodil,' not the reptile, but a devastating flesh-eating drug that causes severe skin damage. These terms are just the tip of the iceberg in the realm of Google searches best avoided.

A Cautionary Tale of Search Terms

If your browsing habits veer towards the more pleasant side of the internet, you'd be wise to avoid 'Fournier,' which shares its name with a severe genital infection. The internet is replete with images that cater to all tastes, but images of diseased anatomy are best left unseen.

Concluding this list is 'Harlequin ichthyosis,' a rare and severe skin condition affecting newborns, characterised by thick, scale-like skin. For a safer online adventure, try pairing any word with 'etymology' for a fascinating and harmless journey through language and history.