Trump Trials: A unique challenge for Biden's presidential campaign

The cascade of state and federal criminal charges directed at his primary political opponent should typically offer an advantage to any democratic leader seeking reelection. However, Donald Trump's legal entanglements pose a distinctive hurdle for U.S. President Joe Biden in the months to come, according to political strategists.


So far, Biden has chosen to remain silent as his Republican predecessor faced 91 felony counts across four indictments this year. These charges include allegations of paying hush money to a porn star, mishandling classified documents, and attempting to overturn the 2020 election. Advisers to Biden indicate that there will be no shift in this approach until decisions are handed down in these ongoing trials.

Nevertheless, upholding this strategy during what are arguably the most contentious and significant legal proceedings in U.S. presidential history will present a formidable challenge in the forthcoming months, say political strategists.

Trump is expected to utilize a series of criminal trials spanning from New York City to Georgia and Florida as a means to fuel his campaign, heavily reliant on grievance politics. In contrast, Biden has pursued a routine schedule of presidential events, focusing on promoting the economy and infrastructure investments, aiming to contrast with the turmoil of Trump's legal battles.

These trials, some of which are broadcast live on television, are likely to dominate news cycles. This provides Trump with an unconventional platform to rally supporters who have elevated him to the forefront of the Republican primary field. These supporters perceive the former president as a victim of political persecution, despite evidence to the contrary.

Biden's less dramatic reelection efforts are expected to receive less valuable free air time. Additionally, any attempt to offer a counter-narrative may be complicated by the President's decision to avoid engaging with the charges or framing the potential threat to democracy posed by Trump's actions.

Navigating this challenge will require a deft balancing act, according to Jimmy Seagull, a Democratic strategist working on congressional races.


On the positive side for Democrats, the trials will keep the vivid details of Trump's unprecedented actions, leading to these serious charges, fresh in the minds of voters. This provides Democrats and Biden with the opportunity to present a sharp contrast.

Officials agree that everything could change if Trump is convicted on any of the charges.

"A conviction changes everything. You will then see a more detailed, forceful effort by the president to connect the crimes to a broader threat to the nation," stated a senior Democrat involved in Biden's campaign, speaking anonymously due to lack of authorization.

Until then, Biden refraining from comments would help avoid baseless Republican allegations that the state and federal charges are politically motivated. Aides believe his silence reinforces a central tenet of his campaign: a return to normalcy.

"Anything he says or does could be perceived as putting a thumb on the scale and...would be exploited by Trump and his team to the detriment of the legal process. They don’t need to raise concerns. The news, perp walks, court appearances, and emerging evidence convey it all," explained Karen Finney, a Democratic strategist.

The White House and the reelection campaign find it opportune to leverage the upcoming months, when Republicans are embroiled in a fierce nominating race, to highlight the success of Biden's economic policies, according to interviews.

Despite falling inflation, Biden's public approval rating held steady at 40% in early August. Concerns about the economy have affected Americans' perception of his performance, as revealed in the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll.

"Increasing the president's economic poll numbers requires lots of time, repeating numbers, and a lot of message discipline. We can always go back to Trump," said a senior Democrat involved in the reelection effort, speaking anonymously due to lack of authorization.

The reelection campaign will focus on highlighting distinctions between the two candidates, rather than engaging with Trump's legal matters.

In the midst of Trump's surrender to Georgia authorities and his subsequent mug shot, Biden's campaign account on the X platform posted: "Apropos of nothing, I think today's a great day to give to my campaign."

Asked about Trump's mug shot, Biden, emerging from a Pilates class during his Lake Tahoe vacation, humorously told reporters on Friday, "I did see it on television - handsome guy."


The country lacks a reliable voice of political and moral authority among its living presidents — Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter — as they have also refrained from commenting on Trump's charges.

Democratic former congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio recently initiated a national advocacy group called "We the People" to organize voters tired of partisan politics. He suggests an alternative approach for Biden, one that acknowledges the historic significance while preserving the investigation's integrity.

“I’m sure their calculation is that everything gets politicized, but I do think a firm statement just saying ‘Look, regardless of where you stand on tax rate or government spending or education policy, this is so far beyond that conversation. Any direct attempt to undermine the United States of America is a slap in the face of anyone who served the country. We’re better than that,'" Ryan proposed.

Ryan suggests that Biden could then refer to this statement when queried repeatedly about unfolding events in the upcoming months.

According to Ryan, Biden could "be firm, be clear, and be done."