Int. Press organizations to condemn fifth imprisonment order against journalist Barış Pehlivan

Global press freedom organizations have vehemently criticized the fifth prison sentence handed down to journalist Barış Pehlivan. In a joint statement, these organizations reaffirm the urgent need to respect press freedom.

Associations championing press freedom, freedom of expression, human rights, and journalism have united to condemn journalist Barış Pehlivan's fifth prison sentence.

The statement unequivocally denounces the recent instances of legal harassment against Barış Pehlivan and reiterates a resolute appeal to Turkish authorities to uphold the core principles of press freedom.

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), an organization dedicated to monitoring press freedom violations, voiced deep concern over the recurring legal pressures imposed on Pehlivan. These pressures hinder his fundamental right to express himself as a journalist in Turkey.

The statement highlights that the book "SS," co-authored by Barış Pehlivan and Barış Terkoğlu, referencing the initials of former Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu, became a target of scrutiny by an advisor to the Interior Minister of that period. The book was unfairly associated with organized crime. Additionally, another article written by Pehlivan became the subject of a defamation lawsuit filed against him in April.

The declaration underscores that the judicial proceedings for the defamation case, interpreted as a bid to disrupt Pehlivan's parole, are yet to commence.

The joint statement also includes the following emphatic statements:

"Acts of judicial harassment targeting journalists are grave impediments to media freedom and the public's right to information. We urgently call upon Turkish authorities to reverse the decision to re-arrest Barış Pehlivan and to halt the systematic judicial harassment of him and his fellow journalists. We reaffirm our unwavering solidarity with detained journalists. Journalism is not a crime, and every moment a journalist spends incarcerated is a grievous violation of the cherished principles of freedom of expression and press freedom."

Barış Pehlivan, who received notification of his fifth imprisonment through a text message, has been directed by the Ministry of Justice to surrender himself to the Marmara Open Penal Institution (formerly Silivri) between August 1-15, 2023. Pehlivan had previously experienced four incarcerations, including one-day sentences in February and May 2023 for the same offence.

The Disregard for Parole Rights

On March 6, 2020, Pehlivan was arrested for covering the funeral of an MIT officer in Libya. He faced trial alongside journalists Aydın Keser, Barış Terkoğlu, Eren Ekinci, Hülya Kılınç, Ferhat Çelik, and Murat Ağırel. Pehlivan was sentenced to 3 years and 9 months in prison for revealing classified intelligence documents.

Although Turkish authorities suspended sentences for thousands of prisoners due to Covid-19 on May 12, 2020, a last-minute clause excluded charges against journalists, including Pehlivan, resulting in their continued incarceration.

After spending six months behind bars, Pehlivan was conditionally released on September 9, 2020, with the proviso that he would not be subjected to further cases. Post-release, Pehlivan criticized the court's decision, stating, "There is no crime in this case. Its purpose is to penalize our journalism."

On July 15 of this year, the Turkish Grand National Assembly passed a bill regulating conditional release and probation rules.

Barış Pehlivan's lawyer, Hüseyin Ersöz, contested the decision of Marmara Open Prison by applying to the Judgeship of Execution on Duty following the bill's enactment.

Ersöz argued that Pehlivan was eligible for parole as per the enacted bill, underscoring that the prison administration disregarded relevant articles of the legislation dated July 2023.

Deteriorating State of Independent Journalism

MFRR reported 232 alerts emanating from Turkey, affecting 329 journalists, media personnel, and organizations.

"While 15 journalists were released from prison (in Turkey) in mid-July, 20 journalists remain incarcerated as of August 7," MFRR stated, shedding light on the arduous environment within which independent journalism operates in the country.

Furthermore, MFRR emphasized that warnings originating from Turkey constituted "a quarter of all warnings reported in Europe."

The names of the associations that signed the declaration:

-      ARTICLE 19 Europe

-      Articolo 21

-      Association of Journalists (GC)

-      Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ)

-      Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)

-      Danish PEN

-      European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)

-      European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)

-      Freedom of Expression Association (İFÖD)

-      Freedom House

-      International Press Institute (IPI)

-      Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA)

-      Media Research Association (MEDAR)

-      OBC Transeuropa (OBCT)

-      PEN America

-      PEN International

-      Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

-      Roma Memory Studies Association (Romani Godi)

-      South-East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO)